Dr. Pathmakumara Jayasingha
Senior Lecturer - Department of Geography, University of Colombo
Awards and Grants
Extra Curricular Activities
Contact Details
Newspaper Articles
Publications - International Papers
Publication Types:
All types ( 123 )
Abstract Form ( 68 )
Book Chapters ( 3 )
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended ( 84 )
International Papers ( 39 )
Local Papers ( 80 )
Memoirs ( 4 )
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Paleontological Evidences of Pleistocene Interpret the Coming of Intelligence and Habor Life of Planet Earth
International Papers
Sumanarathna, A.R., Jaysingha, P., Abeywardhana, SMK and Subhasingha, AU
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 2(11).
Publication year: 2015
Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing for Sustainable Use, Management and Conservation of Groundwater of Northwestern Coastal Area, Sri Lanka. Coastal Water Pollution
Book Chapters
International Papers
Jayasingha, P., Pitawala, A., Dharamagunawardhane, H.A., Welagedara, A.S. and Jayathilaka, K
Surface and Sub-surface Water in Asia; 72-98: 10.3233/978-1-61499-540-1-72
Publication year: 2015
Geochemical evolution of coastal sandy aquifers of Kalpitiya Peninsula, Sri Lanka
International Papers
Jayasingha, P., Pitawala, A. and Dharmagunawardhana, HA
Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences: DOI. 10.1007/s12665-013-2885-y.
Publication year: 2013
Fate of urea fertilizers in sandy aquifers of Kalpitiya; a laboratory simulation
International Papers
Jayasingha, P., Pitawala, A. and Dharmagunawardhana.
Journal of National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka. 41(2); 121-129.
Publication year: 2013
Caves and Karst like features in Proterozoic gneiss and Cambrian granite, southern and central Sri Lanka; An introduction
International Papers
Osborne, R.A.L., Weliange, W.S., Jayasingha, P., Dandeniya, A.S., Algiriya, A.K.P.P. and Pogson, R
Acta-Karsologica 42(1), 25-48
Publication year: 2013
An introduction to Sri Lankan Gneiss and Granite caves
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
International Papers
Osborne, R. A. L., Jayasingha, P. and Weliange, W.S
16th International Congress of Speleology. 21st July, 2013. Brno, Czech Republic.
Publication year: 2013
Mobility and retention of phosphate in irrigated sandy agricultural fields, Kalpitiya, Northwest Sri Lanka.
Abstract Form
Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
International Papers
Jayasingha, P., Pitawala, A. and Dharmagunawardhana, HA
Proceedings of International Symposium on Challenges ahead water quality and human health. Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya. Sri Lanka. Pg9
Publication year: 2012
A Review on Nutrient Pollution of Coastal Aquifers of Sri Lanka. Coastal Environment; Focus on Asian Region
Book Chapters
International Papers
Jayasingha, P., Pitawala, A. and Dharmagunawardhana.
Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi, Kolkata. P 66-77.
Publication year: 2012
Vulnerability of Coastal Aquifers Due to Nutrient Pollution from Agriculture: Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka
International Papers
Jayasingha, P., Pitawala, A. and Dharamagunawardhana, H.A.
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. DOI: 1007/s11270-010-0728-y
Publication year: 2011
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