BSc.Sp (Hons) in Geology (Perad’ya), MSc in Env. Sci (Perad’ya), PhD in Earth Sci (Perad’ya)
Senior Lecturer (Geology)
Department of Geography
Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo
About Me…
I am passionate about Earth Sciences specially on Geology, Geomorphology, Soil Sciences, Quaternary Geology, Astro geology and Geoarchaeology leading to Climate Sciences and interested in Metaphysics and Parapsychology research too.
Exploring ancient and traditional knowledge makes me educated and entertained. In addition, speleology is one of the pet areas of my scientific work. Science writing to the public of the country facets my career further into a social arena.
Developing new streams of knowledge and innovations towards the future sake of human existence in a green world are the overall objectives of my Academic career. Being a geologist, I enjoy my life on earth.