Publication Types:

A Preliminary Study: Thermoluminescence Dating of Paleo-Tsunamis and/or Large Storm Laid Sand Deposits of a Small Estuary in Kirinda, Southern Sri Lanka

Abstract FormConference paper presentations / workshop attendedLocal Papers
Abeyratne, M., Jayasingha, P., Hewamanne, R., Mahawatta, P. and Pushparani, M.D.S.
Proceedings of 23rd Annual Reserach Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka
Publication year: 2007

Siltation Problem in the Rantambe Reservoir and remedy to arrest the problem

Abstract FormConference paper presentations / workshop attendedLocal Papers
Dharmagunawardana, H.A. and Jayasingha, JP
Proceedings of 20th Annual Research Sessions of Geological Society of Sri Lanka
Publication year: 2004

Geochemistry of waste effluents from service stations

Abstract FormConference paper presentations / workshop attendedLocal Papers
Jayasingha, JP. and Senarathne, A.
Proceedings of Annual Research Symposium, 2002. University of Peradeniya.
Publication year: 2002