Publication Types:

The Role of Women Peacebuilders: Examining Community Efforts in War Affected Regions in Sri Lanka

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Menik Wakkumbura
Proceedings of the Symposium, International Women's Day 2021 Symposium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo. p.27
Publication year: 2021

India's Changing Role in Peacebuilding Initiatives: Case of Sri Lanka

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
Conference Proceedings INCOIRe2021, Sri Lanka: University of Colombo.
Publication year: 2021

External Role in Liberal Reforms: The Case of Post-War Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka (2009-2019)

Conference paper presentations / workshop attended
M. Wakkumbura
IConArts2021, Conference Proceedings. Colombo: University of Colombo. p.130
Publication year: 2021