Publication Types:

Livelihood and Economic struggles of rubber cultivators and Challenges and issues of Rubber production: A case study based on Farnam Division in Puwakpitiya

Krishanthi G, Rewathy K, Neththiya K
Faculty of Arts and culture South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Publication year: 2021

Social Perspective of Prevailing Sanitary practices among Urban Population

AbstractsConference Papers
Rewathy K
Annual Research Symposium 2021 –Department of Sociology, University of Colombo.
Publication year: 2021

Environmental Issues of Tourism in Bopath Ella Area

AbstractsConference Papers
Shameela. MSU, Nushrath Banu, MM, Muneera. ANF, Pavithra. V , Rewathy. K
International Conference on Humanities and social sciences- 2017
Publication year: 2017

Environmental Issues of Tourism in Bopath Ella Area

AbstractsConference Papers
Rewathy. K
International Conference on Humanities and social sciences- 2017
Publication year: 2017

GIS Based impact assessment of development in Deraniyagala DS division

AbstractsConference Papers
Rewathy. K
Faculty of Arts and Culture, 29h of February 2016.
Publication year: 2016