The forest cover of Sri Lanka shows a decreasing trend, since the early 19th century. Population growth, Agricultural and irrigation development activities, settlements, urbanization, industrialization and infrastructure developments are largely responsible for increasing trend of deforestation. 82% of dense forest cover in Sri Lanka in 1882 had been gradually decreased to 27% in 2015. Due to the multifarious forestation programmes; such as ‘Punarudaya’ environmental protection programme, ‘Wana Ropa’ reforestation programme and several other tree planting projects implemented by the Government and non-Government organizations after 2015; the forest cover has begun to show a slight increase thereafter. Sri Lankan Government has an intention to increase national forest cover to 30-32% by 2020. Relevant stakeholders’ contributions to implement special projects to increase forest density and to manage and conserve the existing forest at the same level is more vital. This analytical essay was written with the objective of revamping history/trend of the forest cover and to suggest probable action to develop the forest sector in the future to meet 2020 target. The qualitative approaches have been followed, utilizing only secondary data for this paper. We had multiple plans, actions and project to enhance the forest cover in Sri Lanka, since 1940 by time to time changing Government; however, we as a nation still struggle to bring-up the percentage of the forest cover up to certain level. Hence, it is suggested to have a single irrevocable policy/plan to develop forest cover in Sri Lanka, which cannot be stopped or revoke by any Government or policy, rather adding value or benefit to maintain it in a sustainable manner. It further requires a periodic review to evaluate the pros and cons of it and to be incorporate adjustments, wherever necessary.
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