Publication Types:

Language proficiency through vocabulary development: A corpus-based approach?

Conference papers
Paper selected to be presented at 41st Thailand TESOL International Virtual Conference
Publication year: 2022

Vocabulary in the Legal English Classroom

Conference papers
Paper selected to be presented at MATSDA 2019 Conference, University of Liverpool, UK.
Publication year: 2019

Designing an English curriculum for law students in state universities in Sri Lanka: Challenges, perspectives, and implications

Conference papers
Paper presented at the IAACS 6th World Conference on Curriculum Studies titled ‘Transnational Curriculum Inquiry: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World’, University of Melbourne, Australia, December 9-12.
Publication year: 2018

Techniques of using authentic materials in language teaching

Conference papers
Workshop selected to be conducted at TESOL Spain 37th Annual Convention, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
Publication year: 2014

Motivating ESL learners to use language with confidence

Conference papers
Workshop conducted at the 35th Annual TESOL Greece International Convention, Hellenic American Union, Athens, Greece, March 15-16.
Publication year: 2014

Using authentic materials in the second language classroom

Conference papers
Paper presented at the 12th East West Centre International Graduate Student Conference on the Asia Pacific Region, University of Hawaii, USA, February 14-16.
Publication year: 2013

Teaching with authentic materials: My ideas, your ideas, our ideas

Conference papers
Workshop conducted at the Los Angeles Regional CATESOL Conference 2013 titled ‘Endeavour to Unite, Succeed, and Connect’, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, March 2.
Publication year: 2013

Incorporating realia into language instruction

Conference papers
Workshop conducted at the TESL Toronto Spring Conference 2013 (TOSCON-13), University of Toronto, Canada, June 25.
Publication year: 2013

Developing academic literacy of undergraduates of law

Conference papers
Poster presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2013) Conference titled 'Applied Linguistics in a Globalizing World’, Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Texas, USA, March 16-19.
Publication year: 2013

Corpus data in the legal English classroom

Conference papers
Paper presented at the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) Conference, San Diego State University, USA, January 18-20.
Publication year: 2013

Cinematic magic in the second language classroom

Conference papers
Paper presented at the TESOL Talk series organised by the MA (TESOL) Student Association, San Francisco State University, USA, February 22.
Publication year: 2013

Authentic materials in the ESL classroom

Conference papers
Paper presented at the MATSDA/School of English Conference 2013 titled ‘Enjoying to Learn: the Best Way to Acquire a Language’, University of Liverpool, UK, July 13-14.
Publication year: 2013

Academic Literacy Development

Conference papers
Paper selected to be presented at the European Conference on Language Learning, Thistle Hotel, Brighton, UK.
Publication year: 2013

Video and films in English for legal purposes

Conference papers
Paper presented at the Introduction to Teaching English for Legal Purposes Training Programme, Römer Villa, Neu Ulm, Germany, September 3-7.
Publication year: 2012

Using video in legal English teaching

Conference papers
European Union Legal English Teachers’ Association (EULETA) Conference, University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück, Germany, August 31-September 2.
Publication year: 2012

Using realia in language teaching

Conference papers
Poster presented at the European Union Legal English Teachers’ Association (EULETA) Conference, University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück, Germany, August 31-September 2.
Publication year: 2012

Uniting technology and pedagogy

Conference papers
Workshop conducted at the British Council, Colombo, May 3.
Publication year: 2012

Memoirs of a student of online teaching

Conference papers
Paper presented at the 10th AsiaCALL Conference titled ‘Mobility in Language Teaching and Learning through Technology’ hosted by the Asia Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning in collaboration with Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand, February 9-11.
Publication year: 2012

Designing legal English courses: Challenges and perspectives

Conference papers
Poster presented at the 31st TESOL France Colloquium, Télécom ParisTech, France, November 16-18.
Publication year: 2012

Developing writing competency of final year undergraduates of law

Conference papers
Paper presented at the 12th Annual Research Symposium of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, November 3-4.
Publication year: 2011

An integrated approach to develop writing skills

Conference papers
Paper presented at the HETC Research Sessions, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 15.
Publication year: 2011

Using real and reel to develop learner motivation

Conference papers
Paper presented at the 6th International Conference of the Sri Lanka English Teachers’ Association (SLELTA), BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, October 15-17.
Publication year: 2010

Legally speaking: developing oral communication skills of undergraduates of law

Conference papers
Paper presented at the European Union Legal English Teachers’ Association (EULETA) Conference, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany, September 3-5.
Publication year: 2010

Establishing benchmarks for curriculum design and student assessment

Conference papers
Workshop conducted at the English Language Teaching Unit, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, February.
Publication year: 2005

Testing and evaluation in ESL settings

Conference papers
Workshop conducted at the Department of English and English Language Teaching Unit University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, March.
Publication year: 2004