Publication Types:

The Elephant in Sri Lankan Society

Ranjith Bandara
Publication year: 2008

Insuring Farmers Against Wildlife Damage: Mixed Good  Considerations and Sri Lankan Elephants as a Case

Ranjith Bandara
 Sri Lanka Economic Journal 8:101-134
Publication year: 2007

The Net Benefit of Saving the Asian Elephant: A Policy and Contingent Valuation Study

Ranjith Bandara and Clem Tisdell
Ecological Economics 48: 93-107.
Publication year: 2004

Economic value of Conservation

Ranjith Bandara
South Asian Economic Journal 5:283-300.
Publication year: 2004

Comparison of Rural and Urban Attitudes to the Conservation of Asian Elephants in Sri Lanka

Ranjith Bandara and Clem Tisdell
Biological Conservation, 110: 327-342.
Publication year: 2003

Asian Elephants as Agricultural Pests: Economics of Control and Compensation in Sri Lanka

Ranjith Bandara and Clem Tisdell
Natural Resource Journal, 42:491-519.
Publication year: 2002