Publication Types:

Black Economy

Resea rch Articles/ Books /Reports
Dr.Prasad Serasinghe
Publication year: 2010

The Current Budgetary Policy

Resea rch Articles/ Books /Reports
Dr.Prasad Serasinghe
Publication year: 2009

The Black Economy

Resea rch Articles/ Books /Reports
Dr.Prasad Serasinghe
Publication year: 2009

VAT instead of GST

Resea rch Articles/ Books /Reports
Dr.Prasad Serasinghe, Co-Authors (S. M. P. Senanayake and S. P. Premarathna
Publication year: 2003

Decentralization and Development

Resea rch Articles/ Books /Reports
Dr.Prasad Serasinghe
Publication year: 2000